Here are a few examples of how to weave the yoga philosophy into your lifestyle and diet.
Ahimsa- Non-violence, reducing harm in thoughts, actions, and speech_____________
Example: Vegetarian, organic, cruelty-free, locally produced, prayer, and mindfulness
Satya- Truth, honesty______________________________________________________
Example: Asking the questions like: “Am I hungry or bored”, “Am I eating to distract myself”, “Is this good for me?”
Asteya- Non-stealing______________________________________________________
Example: Not taking the food from another’s plate or eating enough each day to not rob the body of nutrients
Brahmacharya- Appropriate use of one’s vital energy
Example: Moderation and learning what too much and too little food will do to you.
Aparigraha- Non-possessiveness_____________________________________________
Example: Learning to say “no” at a buffet line, stop eating when you no longer have hunger.