Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reflections from Vasant Lad's Lecture 6/4/2011

Wise words from Dr. Vasant Lad around spiritual begins with:
the grace of a teacher, knowing what events to record from your life and what to let go, make your mind liquid not rigid, live your life without ego, and accept yourself as who you are. There you you can all be healed. Have a great life, i know you will.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yamas of Eating

There are numerous opportunities for the Yamas to support your current wellness and nutritional aspirations. The Yamas create a wheel of ethics that includes kindness, honesty, refrain from stealing, moderation, and non-hoarding. Following these five principles will help ensure that your life is filled with healthy relationships, including the one with yourself, others, and the natural world around you.

The Yamas prepare you to see that how you treat the outer world reflects how you treat your inner world. It is through conscious application of the Yamas that you will learn to see that compassion is your birthright, trust begins with yourself, healthy boundaries make healthy relationships, and balance is not as bad as it sounds. They allow you to work with what gifts you have been given rather than what you perceive you are missing.

Although the Yamas are all interrelated and work together, if one stands out more than the others, consider spending some time deepening your relationship with that one principle. Applying the Yamas to your diet, yoga practice, and wellness lifestyle activities can be very rewarding and effective.

· Ahimsa - Non-violence, reducing harm in thoughts, actions, and speech

Application: Enjoying a vegetarian diet; having your food be raised organically and in a cruelty-free manner as well as locally produced; prayer; and mindfulness

· Satya - Truth, honesty

Application: Asking the questions like: “Am I hungry or bored” or “Am I eating to distract myself” or “Is this good for me?”

· Asteya - Non-stealing

Application: Not taking the food from another’s plate; eating enough each day to avoid robbing the body of nutrients

· Brahmacharya- Appropriate use of one’s vital energy

Application: Moderation; understanding the impact of eating too much or too little food

· Aparigraha - Non-possessiveness

Application: Learning to say “no” at a buffet line; ceasing eating when you no longer have hunger